Dietitian/Nutritionist, Indore
13 years experience
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Intermittent fasting will result in a loss of muscle.
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Many believe that frequent fasting leads our bodies to start burning muscle and use it as fuel. Though research has proved that this may happen during unregulated dieting, intermittent fasting almost never leads to muscle burning. On the contrary, some studies have even suggested that it is better for the maintenance of muscle mass.
Which of the following are certain positives of skipping meals?
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Intermittent fasting, which basically involves following a very strict regimen of skipping meals, may be very useful for your health. Research has shown that overweight individuals who do so exhibit lower levels of cholesterol, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Antioxidant levels were also found to increase.
Skipping meal leads to overeating.
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Often, after fasting, you may be inclined to eat a little extra during the next meal in order to compensate for the lost calories during the previously skipped meal. However, when considered on an overall basis, it actually results in a lower calorie intake than what you would probably have had normally, even in a span as small as two days.
Which of the following diseases are you prone to, if you skip breakfast regularly?
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Routinely skipping breakfast may be troublesome for both men and women in a number of ways. A study has shown that skipping breakfast regularly may increase, by as much as 20%, the risk of problems like Type II Diabetes, insulin resistance, and even heart disease.
Skipping meals lead to a slowed metabolic rate.
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Many arguments suggest that intermittent fasting can force your body to go into what is known as 'starvation mode', which leads to a slower metabolic rate and thus, lesser fat-burning. On the contrary, however, quite the reverse happens. Short-term fasting can actually increase metabolic rate, due to an increase in the levels of nor-epinephrine or nor-adrenaline, which stimulates breaking down of body fat by the fat cells.