Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
42 years experience
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Which mineral should be present in the diet to ensure growth and development of bones in order to attain a good height?
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Bones are made of calcium and hence, if one wants to attain a good height, one should make sure that the diet carries requisite calcium quantity. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, soy products, nuts are rich sources of calcium and including them in the diet can ensure proper growth of bones.
Which vitamin aids the absorption of calcium in the body and helps the bones to grow?
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Just getting calcium is not enough. Vitamin D is also essential as it helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. So, one should ensure vitamin D sources in the diet which include milk, fatty fish, cheese, and egg yolk. It is also present in sunlight and thus, one should get enough sunlight.
Which beverage is known to interfere with height growth in adults?
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Coffee contains caffeine, which is known to suppress sleep and stimulate the body. This is harmful for height gain as sleep is essential for maximizing the height. It is during sleep that the tissues repair and grow. Also, the spinal cord gets time to relax and elongate in length. So, one should avoid coffee for an adequate dosage of sleep.
A calcium-rich diet is enough to ensure maximum height in an individual.
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While it is true that calcium is essential for the growth of bones, only calcium is not enough. The diet should also carry sufficient proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to help the body grow to the maximum. Protein helps to build muscles and tissues while carbohydrates provide the required calories. Vitamins and minerals help in the absorption of nutrients in the body.
Which of the following activities aid diet in developing bones to the maximum?
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Diet, undoubtedly, plays a major role in the maximizing the growth of bones but if one is involved in physical activities such as yoga, stretching, aerobics then one can gain better height as it elongates the bones and strengthens the muscles that support the spine.