Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Diabetologist, Bangalore
21 years experience
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Which of these are some the major causes of food poisoning?
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When it comes to food poisoning, it is the bacteria, virus, and parasites that are responsible in the majority of cases. Virus-induced food poisoning is the most serious type of food poisoning and bacteria-induced food poisoning is the most prevalent one. Food poisoning due to parasites can also be very dangerous and take a serious toll on people with a weak immune system. It is advised to visit the nearest medical internal medicine professional as soon as food poisoning is detected and before the condition deteriorates further.
Which of these tips can be helpful in dealing with the causes of food poisoning?
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Washing the hands and the utensils or surface used for preparing the food can prevent the spread of germs that lead to food poisoning. Separating food items such as raw meat, seafood, poultry items from ready-to-eat items can also prevent chances of cross-contamination induced food poisoning. Cooking the food at the right temperature and refrigerating them properly can also be very helpful in dealing with food poisoning causes. Though the majority of food poisoning cases resolve quickly without any complication, still, consulting a doctor can save one from unnecessary worries.
Depending on the condition of food poisoning, home care, dehydration treatments or antibiotics can be ideal treatment options.
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When one is suffering from mild to moderate food poisoning, simple home care which includes drinking plenty of water and eating light healthy meals can be enough for getting well soon. However, in case the food poisoning is severe, medical attention is needed as the patient may need necessary antibiotic shots and dehydration treatment. Seek immediate medical attention when suffering from extreme dehydration due to food poisoning.
Food poisoning has no signs or symptoms.
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Some of the most common symptoms of food poisoning are nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Sometimes, headaches, severe diarrhea lasting over 3 days, high fevers, blurry vision, and blood in the vomit or stool are also observed. The latter symptoms are observed when the condition becomes severe. Opt for medical consultation before the condition gets serious, irrespective of the stage of the food poisoning or the symptom of the same.
Toxins and allergens can also be linked to food poisoning.
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Food poisoning due to allergens, molds, chemical, and toxins is not so common like that of caused by bacteria, virus, and parasites. However, one must know that exposure of food to certain chemicals, parasites, such as amoeba, Giardia, and toxins such as Tetrodotoxin or cytotoxins can also cause food poisoning. Though such food poisoning tends to be small outbreaks with less severe symptoms, one might have to seek medical attention for dealing with the condition. Check with the doctor on the necessity of an allergy test in case food poisoning is caused by certain allergens.