Dietitian/Nutritionist, Surat
22 years experience
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One should eat apple with a peel on.
1 of 5
The peels of apples contain a significant amount of vitamins. Therefore, by eating a whole apple you would get better results.
Vitamin supplements are better in comparison to whole fruits, like apple, when it comes to fighting deficiency.
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Studies conducted by a team of medical professionals from Cornell University, showed that Vitamin substitutes can never be substitutes of whole fruits or vegetables in their natural forms. The antioxidant properties that are present in apples itself are far higher than supplements.
Apples are known to reduce the proliferation of which types of complicated diseases?
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According to a recent study, when colon cancer cells where treated with 50 milligrams of apple extract drawn out of the peel, the growth of the cancer cells was reduced by 43%. Similarly, liver cancer cell growth was decreased by 57 %.
The antioxidant properties of one apple are equal to how much Vitamin C?
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According to Cornell University researchers, the skin of an apple itself contains antioxidants that are equal to 1500 milligrams of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is used for the maintenance of collagen. It also protects the immune system and assists the absorption of calcium by the bone tissues.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
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There are enough recent studies to back this old wives tale. Apples are full of vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals and many more properties that can prevent a lot of disorders including heart diseases and, even, cancer. Here are some other benefits of phytochemicals: They prevent cell damage, multiplication of cancer cells, and they also decrease the level of bad cholesterol.