MBA-HR, MBA-Finance, Diploma in Dietetics, Health and Nutrition (DDHN), Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE))
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
19 years experience
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Which amongst the following high calorie foods is actually a safe bet in controlled amounts?
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While taking in too much of peanut butter can add to your waistline, in controlled amounts it is a very good alternative to cover for butter or other options which contain saturated fat. Peanut butter spread on brown organic bread can be a filling yet nutritious snack. Two spoons of peanut butter have about 191 calories and 7 grams of protein. However, try getting the unsalted versions and products which undergo lesser processing.
To lose weight you should eat lesser quantities of whatever food you are already eating.
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Commonly spouted in many fitness forums and circles, this saying is not entirely true as you could be eating less and still be gaining weight despite moderate amounts of exercise. What important is not only how much you eat but also what you eat. Eating only two burgers a day will still have much less of an impact on weight loss and aggregate calories than eating a hearty meal with the right ingredients.
Lentils have more protein than eggs and contain less fat.
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One cup of lentils or masoor ki dal has 230 calories and has been estimated to have the same amount of protein found in three eggs. The portion size for lentils is also much more filling and contains only about a gram of fat compared to eggs which have a significant amount of fat. They are also high in fiber which makes a bowl of lentil more filling and satisfying.
You should avoid red meat at all costs to ensure weight loss.
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In fact, certain organic varieties of red meat in controlled amounts give you a lot of protein which may actually help in weight loss. The key is to ensure the type of meat you eat and also the amounts. Protein helps build muscle and also gives your body the energy to burn fat more efficiently. Turkey, organic beef, and certain cuts of pork such as tenderloin are actually good examples of red meat that you can have in controlled amounts to aid weight loss.
Which amongst the following nuts is one of the best choices for snacking?
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Although people are encouraged to include all forms of nuts and seeds in their diet to encourage weight loss, not all are equally beneficial for you. Almonds are the best bet among nuts as they may be high in calories but contain mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are easier to process and used by the body instead of being stored. Also, a quarter cup of almonds may be high in calories but it is also filling, is easily used up by the body and thus aids in weight loss.