General Physician, Chandigarh
36 years experience
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Having an anti-allergic before consuming seafood can counter chances of an allergic outbreak.
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While anti-allergic drugs can counter chances of an allergic reaction, drugs combat the allergy symptoms once they appear, and there is no drug to prevent a reaction as such.
Which of the following is not a trigger for allergy?
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It has been seen that about 30-50% people who have an allergy to one type of seafood is usually allergic to other such food items too.
Seafood allergy can be life-threatening.
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While some allergies only cause mild skin irritation, there is no upper limit in terms of how bad it can get. Indeed, mild allergic symptoms can, without warning, turn much severe, causing severe skin rash, nausea and vomiting, swollen airways which impair breathing. These symptoms can lead up to an anaphylactic shock which can lead to death.
What symptoms can appear in case of seafood allergy?
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Diarrhoea is a symptom of any allergic reaction that is caused due to a consumed allergen, and all allergic reactions usually involve wheezing, swollen airways, and breathing difficulty symptoms in more severe cases.
You can have an allergic outbreak even by breathing in a place where seafood is being cooked.
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Allergy to seafood is not always caused by consuming a form of seafood. The reaction is caused due to the specific form of proteins present in the seafood and especially in the shellfish group. Tiny molecules of these proteins can be transmitted through air when it is being cooked and if any person comes in contact with this, they could start showing symptoms even without actually consuming the trigger factor.