MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dermatologist, Karad
41 years experience
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Which of the following food items might have a harmful impact on skin?
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White chocolate contains high amounts of milk which is bad for skin as it could lead to acne breakouts. On the other hand, dark chocolate can actually be very good for the skin as it contains very little milk and is rich in antioxidants which help keep the skin clear and healthy.
It is not possible to remove milk and dairy products from our diet as we would then stop absorbing calcium.
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It is a known fact that milk and dairy products wreak havoc on the skin as they contain growth hormones that lead to eruptions of acne. This is truer for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. However, milk and dairy products are not our only source of calcium. Foods such as leafy green vegetables (broccoli, kale, and spinach), sardines, soybeans, legumes, etc contain vast quantities of calcium that can easily replace dairy products in order to meet our dietary requirement of calcium.
A heavy dosage of vegetable oil or margarine can add to inflammation and cause wrinkling of skin.
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It is important to balance the intake of fat and fatty acids in the food that we consume on a daily basis. There needs to be parity in our intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which can be done by lowering our intake of vegetable oils such as safflower, canola or corn oil. Margarine on the other hand has a high trans fat content which dries out the skin and leads to the premature formation of wrinkles. The intake of margarine needs to be reduced as well.
Which of the following types of food should you avoid for good skin health?
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Salt is a common item in our everyday diet which could be doing a lot of damage to the skin. The sodium found in salt leads to water retention in the body which makes the skin appear puffy and dull. It also cuts off the supply of nutrients to the skin which in turn could lead to all kinds of skin problems such as acne, discolouration, uneven pigmentation, etc. Try to keep the salt content in your food at an absolute minimum.
A glass of orange juice might just cause your skin to break out.
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Fruit juice is good for the skin only if it is freshly squeezed. The juices that are package and artificially prepared contain added preservatives for increased shelf life which are bad for skin. They also lack fruit fibre which is very important for good skin and overall health. Fibres can only be found in fresh juice which is what you must stick to drinking if you want to keep your skin healthy and glowing.