Dietitian/Nutritionist, Chandigarh
15 years experience
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Consuming yellow and orange foods are not good for your vision.
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When you were a child, you were told that carrots are good for protecting your vision. This is because they have the capability of transforming beta-carotene into Vitamin A which improves night vision and skin quality while also fighting cancer. Orange and yellow fruits include bell peppers, cantaloupe, mangoes, papaya and sweet potatoes which are also rich in bromelain, folic acid, and potassium. It is important to eat pumpkin, butternut squash, and corn on a regular basis to lower blood pressure and improve digestion.
Eating foods with red, blue and purple tinges can offer the anthocyanin antioxidant in the body.
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The red and purple fruits and vegetables have one thing in common- a pigment called anthocyanin which serves as a powerful antioxidant in the body. They can improve the function of the brain and heart to a significant extent. Various studies have reported that anthocyanin can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, stroke and certain forms of cancer. Taking beet, kidney beans and various types of berries can improve the folic acid levels in the body. While the beans contain loads of fiber, the berries are rich in vitamin C. If you wish to improve your vision and bone health, you should take apples, carrots, and red bell peppers every week.
Cherries, tomatoes, and figs are rich in potassium which can help in lowering blood pressure.
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Besides lowering blood pressure, these foods also have lycopene which can keep the heart healthy and improve fertility. It is crucial to note here that, the more you cook these foods, the lesser nutrients will move into your body. There is no denial of the significance of the green leafy vegetables, and you should include them into your regular diet.
Which of these facts are important to have a healthy eating habit?
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Many people are into a misconception that eating three to four servings of fresh fruits and vegetables can improve their health. But according to the experts, it is not just about how much you eat and in what frequency; it is also about the different choices you make. Choose a wide variety of foods in your daily diet instead of sticking to one.
What is the importance of colors in the diet?
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If you eat a diet that is entirely colored white, you will miss the vital nutrients required by your body. When your diet is colourful that comprises of onions, cauliflowers, carrots, peas, and beets, you can be sure that your body is consuming multivitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are vital. Interestingly, no supplement can be a replacement to food. You must make sure that your diet is colourful so that your body is replenished with all the necessary nutrients.