General Physician, Ghaziabad
25 years experience
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Which is the possible outcome of chewing gum excessively?
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Many of you would have been under the impression, that chewing gum excessively may reduce hunger or cause TMD; but this, however, is not true. While chewing gum does overwork the temporomandibular joints thereby causing headaches or migraines, it is not the cause for the pain. Also, it's a myth that chewing gum reduces hunger. Studies have shown, that the only link chewing gum has with hunger is that, it increases hunger for junk foods; it has nothing to do with hunger in general.
Lanolin is the chief substance used to soften chewing gum. What is its main source?
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Sheep wool, when passed between rollers, produces a yellow wax-like substance called wool fat. Wool fat is originally secreted by the sheep's sebaceous glands. This substance thus obtained is called Lanolin. Though the quantities of Lanolin found in chewing gums is not high enough to adversely affect your health, swallowing it might not be such a great idea.
Chewing gum keeps your teeth healthy
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Chewing gum, on the contrary, rots your teeth. Sugar-sweetened chewing gums are important causes of tooth decay, and also adversely affect your gums thereby weakening them. Chewing sugar-free gum also rinses off the bacteria in the plaque, thus damaging tooth enamel.
Chewing gum causes gas
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Chewing gum forces you to swallow more, and in the process, you swallow a higher quantity of air as well. Also, artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, which is found in a very large number of chewing gums, can cause problems relating to flatulence. Studies have shown that you can produce almost half a gallon of gas each day.
Chewing gum completely gets rid of bad breath
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Bad breath is often the result of tooth decay or intrinsic digestive problems. While chewing gum can be an effective means of masking the bad breath, it definitely does not remove it completely - for the source of bad breath lies inside your body.