Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ahmedabad
20 years experience
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Good carbs have medium/low-calorie density.
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Good carbs have lower or moderate level of calories associated with them. They help our stomach to remain satiated for a long period of time. Moreover, worrying about the calorie intake also becomes unnecessary while consuming foods which have complex carbohydrates. One can eat foods that have good carbs in them and not worry about putting on extra weight. Have a whole orange in place of orange juice or brown rice instead of white.
Fiber helps in slowing down the absorption process of other nutrients
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The slowing down procedure prevents the fluctuations in blood sugar level. Certain fibrous food helps in lowering of the blood pressure level. Carbohydrates and other nutrients are absorbed with the help of the fiber present in the food. The presence of fiber in our daily food is also important as it reduces the risk for diabetes type 2. Avoid food made out of white grains as the fiber content is low in them.
How do you define a good carb?
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Fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, and foods containing phytochemicals are said to be good carbs. Whole grain foods like cereals are an essential part of a diet. These foods contain fibers which are an important essence of good carbs. Our body would slowly digest this fibrous food thus absorbing the carbs without shooting up the blood sugar level. You can refer to a dietician to know more about the specific vegetables and fruits you can consume.
What are bad carbs?
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Sugars or refined white grains are consumed for obtaining quick energy. It is good for the body if an individual is engaged in a sport where energy boost up is required. Otherwise, consuming sugar is very unhealthy. It gives us calories but very fewer nutrients. Added sugars are sweeteners that are used for cooking food should be used sparingly. Sugar present in beverages is also unhealthy and can be called a bad carb. It is better to avoid beverages that contain sugar in it. Also be careful and do not consume sugar in an attempt to go fat-free.
Low fiber diet reduces heart disease
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Nutritionists recommend a diet that has high fiber content as it is helpful in many ways to our body. Consuming food with low fiber increases the risk of heart diseases. High fiber reduces the risk of chronic illness, helps in controlling body weight and also helps in preventing colon cancer. The National Academies Institute of Medicine has recommended that people should focus on a diet that has good carbs and fiber. 45% to 65% calories can be obtained by an adult from carbohydrates thus reducing the risk of ailments.