Dietitian/Nutritionist, Dehradun
14 years experience
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It is better to consume lots of mini meals rather than having fewer, larger meals.
1 of 5
Smaller, more frequent meals not only boost your fat-burning ability but has other numerous benefits such as reduce cholesterol and faster metabolism.
Eating at night makes you gain weight
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If your calorie intake is more than a number of calories you burn every day, you are sure to put on those extra pounds, irrespective of the time of the day. However, nighttime inactivity can cause problems of digestion if you eat too much at late hours.
Healthy food can also make you gain weight
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Foods that are considered healthy, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, avocados, pine nuts, etc, actually have very high-calorie content. Gorging on these will surely lead to gaining weight.
4. Which of the follow does not make you put on weight?
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Kidney beans are high in fiber and have very low-calorie content. They effectively provide a nutritional boost without significantly adds to weight. Fitness experts and trainers highly recommend putting kidney beans in your diet if you are trying to lose weight.
Which of the following eating disorders can cause weight gain?
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This is an eating disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with only eating food that is deemed healthy. Since most healthy foods do have high-calorie content, there is the possibility of this disorder causing weight gain.