DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopathy Doctor, Nagpur
38 years experience
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Homeopathic medicine is effective in treating weight loss caused by liver problems.
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Chelidoniummajus is very useful in treating weight loss that stems from liver issues. It leads to sluggishness and fatigue due to malnutrition which, further paves the way for the loss of appetite. This could also be caused by secretions of serious along with complications in the bilious. A nagging bitter taste in the mouth is also a common symptom of this problem, and it can be treated with Chelidoniummajus. If you are pregnant, you should consult an expert before taking homeopathic medicines.
Which of these are the common problems of being underweight?
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Even though most of us talk about the dangers of being overweight, being underweight is a subject that we all ignore. Typically, an underlying health issue prevents an individual from gaining weight which, in turn, paves the way for hordes of complications such as high risks of infections, osteoporosis, and infertility. The best way to treat these disorders is to stimulate the appetite and restore healthy eating habits for helping in desired weight gain. And this is what homeopathic remedies do. If you are suffering from an unexplained weight loss, seek the advice of an experienced homeopathic practitioner.
Homeopathic medicine cannot help in increasing appetite required for desired weight gain.
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Regardless of which age group you belong to, you can always consider taking homeopathic medicine Alfalfa tonic for increasing your appetite which would result in weight gain. It is very effective in preventing the loss of muscle mass and restoring the normal production of fat. This tonic can also help in boosting the overall health of an individual. If you are suffering from lack of appetite and malnutrition along with bulimia, Alfalfa tonic can be your best bet. Besides taking Alfalfa tonic, you must also take a proper diet to help healthy weight gain.
Which of these are the primary causes of unhealthy weight loss?
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If you are wondering about what could be the possible cause of your unexplained weight loss, then it could be attributed to anorexia and bulimia. People suffering from these problems are always obsessed with their weight due to which they eat little amounts of food, or they tend to binge eat for satisfying their hunger. Ignatia is one of the most suitable homeopathic remedies that can help you overcome the unnecessary fear of overeating.
When suffering from unexplained weight loss, you can seek a resort to homeopathic medicines.
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If your child is not able to gain desired weight despite having a good appetite, you should consider administering a homeopathic remedy called Lycopodium for the impact you want. This homeopathic remedy helps in treating flatulence, bloating and constipation which together can improve the overall digestive health. The dosage of this medication can vary from person to person and therefore, it is best to consult an expert.