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What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?

MCh (Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery), MS - Surgical, MBBS
General Surgeon, Guwahati  •  25 years experience
What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?
Which of the following is an optimum recovery time for a patient who has had a gallbladder removal with laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
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What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?
What are the risks associated with open gallbladder removal?
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What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?
After the removal of the gallbladder through any of the two methods, a person can get back to their original lifestyle, which includes the same diet, after recovery.
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What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?
Which of the following conditions require the removal of the gallbladder with the open-surgery approach?
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What To Expect From Gall Bladder Removal Surgery?
Which of the following symptoms warrant the need for gallbladder removal?
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