Homeopathy Doctor, Raebareli
17 years experience
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You cannot have anemia if you are obese or overweight
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This is a notion harbored by many people that if you are overweight or obese, you cannot have anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells in the body gets reduced, resulting in the lack of oxygen supply to the vital organs within the body. You could have anemia despite being obese and it also increases the chances of permanent damage to your health. Ferrum Met is a great remedy in homeopathy which can take care of obesity in such cases without making the anemia worse.
Which of the following is more dangerous to your health?
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While general body fat is also unhealthy and may contribute to health problems, a beer gut or belly is far more dangerous. Belly fat commonly causes a bulging stomach and is known as a paunch. Paunch is a combination of subcutaneous fat as well as the more dangerous visceral fat which surround the internal vital organs. This visceral fat may actually hinder the functioning of the organs, causing damage to your body. Calcarea Carbonica is a great homeopathic medication which can help reduce the belly fat.
Which of the problems does homeopathy regulate to correct obesity?
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Homeopathy has excellent remedies for weight loss. While a majority of the weight gain is directly linked to overeating and lack of exercise, other factors also indirectly contribute to this problem. Some of these could be hormonal changes caused by menopause, depression, and others. However, a solution requires the metabolism of the body to be corrected and homeopathy acts accordingly.
Intestinal problems such as constipation may also cause difficulty in losing weight
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Many people have problems with their abdomen due to weak digestion. This results in constipation and other intestinal troubles which may make the digestive system sluggish which further results in the inability to lose weight. Homeopathy has a great remedy in the form of Nux Vomica for this ailment. It is a very effective medication in curing constipation due to a slow working digestion which helps to speed up metabolism and lose weight.
Sugar in fruits can cause weight gain
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Sugar contains fructose which can raise you blood glucose levels. However, the fructose in fruits is quite different from the fructose found in processed foods and is not usually that harmful. If fruits are consumed in excess, they may lead to some weight gain. In controlled amounts, they are far better than processed foods and sweets. If you have a sweet tooth and indulge in excessive fruit intake, Calcarea Carbonica is a wonderful homeopathic drug which can help you lose weight and also regulate your sugar cravings.