Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, M.S Obstetrics & Gynecology
Gynaecologist, Chandigarh
25 years experience
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What increases the risk of premature labor?
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Doctors are still doubtful of all the reasons that lead to preterm labor. Smoking can cause severe health complication like premature rupture of membranes, placental abruptions causing premature labor. Prenatal care should be of utmost priority as it can be vital for analyzing mother s health and preventing any potential sanitary conditions throughout the course of pregnancy. Mother should regularly visit a doctor for check-ups and ensure a healthy living standard for herself.
Preterm baby does not differ from regular ones and catches up quickly with them.
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Babies born before the due date often need special care in Intensive Care Unit (ICUs). Few organs that develop fully at a later stage of gestation periods like heart and lungs are undeveloped in the premature baby which can cause long-term heath problems like autism, lung problems, etc. They have slower growth rate than infants born after full-term. With proper neonatal care the growth can progress well without any issues.
What are the signs of premature labour?
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If you have any of the following symptoms, phone the hospital or midwife straight away, as you could be in labour. Don't delay if you have strong pain, a smelly discharge or bleeding from your vagina, or if you are feeling feverish, sick or have a temperature, call immediately as you may need urgent medical attention.
Premature labor is hereditary.
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Researchers suspect that early labor or premature birth may be genetic. Many reports have provided the run of early births in families concluding it to be hereditary. Mothers who were themselves prematurely born or have someone in the household with the same case have a higher risk of having preterm labor. Well, it is not the case that a family with premature labor would always have the same in future as there is no conclusive evidence. If any data regarding family members facing preterm labor is known, it should be brought to the doctor s attention during the first visit itself.
What is preterm labor?
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Preterm or premature labor is the onset of labor before the due date specifically during the 20-37th week of pregnancy. Some of the causes are placental abruption where the placenta separates from the baby too soon, amniotic fluid leakage before contractions start or drug and alcohol use by the mother. With proper care, this condition could be avoided, by in extreme circumstances caesarean section will be performed.