Obesity is a condition where one is beyond being overweight due to the build up of excessive adipose tissue which is the fat tissue. One should check the BMI in order to find out whether one is obese or not.
What prompts obesity during pregnancy?
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There are a number of things that can prompt obesity during one's pregnancy. The average woman goes through a number of hormonal and metabolism changes that happen due to a change in one s appetite and energy as well as protein requirements. Also, women who are diagnosed with issues like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and sleep apnea to name a few. These issues are also associated with obesity. One should have small and frequent meals for fulfilling the energy requirements during pregnancy, without putting on too much weight which may lead to obesity.
The baby is at many health risks due to obesity during pregnancy.
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It is true that the baby is at risk for many health issues including neural defects and a preterm or even stillbirth. The baby may also have macrosomia which makes the baby s size larger than normal. This condition may lead to other complications like diabetes and more, at birth. One should regularly have ultrasound tests and screening done during the pregnancy so as to detect any problems. This is especially important if the mother is already obese during pregnancy.
One should not try to lose weight before the pregnancy to avoid obesity fueled problems.
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One should try and lose weight so that the obesity is under control. While planning out one s pregnancy, it would be a good idea to lose weight so that the obesity is under control and it does not lead to problems like gestational diabetes and other conditions. This will be good for the health of the baby as well. You can plan your weight loss with the right diet and exercise so that obesity does not create problems for you during your pregnancy.
It is difficult to lose weight or control obesity during one s pregnancy.
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It is not impossible to control your obesity while you are pregnant. There are many ways to do this, including exercise, medication and a proper diet. You should get moderate exercise every day so that the fat tissue lessens and does not create additional problems. You should also stick to a diet of at least 300 extra calories on an average so that the baby gets its due nutrition while growing within you. For a BMI of 30 or more, you can ask your doctor for certain weight loss medication. This will be especially helpful in case you have additional conditions like diabetes or heart disease.