The chances of heartburn and acid reflux increase during pregnancy. This is because food takes much longer to go through the esophagus during the first trimester. Moreover, the process of digestion is slowed down so that the fetus can absorb more nutrients from the food. This can lead to indigestion. During the third trimester, the growing baby adds pressure on the stomach thus pushing the stomach away from its normal position. This can also be a cause of acid reflux. To help ease the discomfort caused by heartburn and acid reflux, sit upright for 1 hour after eating your meals.
How to manage the acidity experienced during pregnancy?
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By adopting such simple measures, the acidity problem which is highly prevalent during can be managed. Apart from this, measures such as wearing comfortable clothing, maintaining ideal weight and taking a stroll after a meal can help. What might work for one person might not work for another. So you can try several lifestyle changes till one or a combination helps relieve the symptoms of acidity. Eating yogurt or drinking chamomile tea or warm milk can alleviate the heartburn.
3You should take acidity regulators to ease the acid reflux during pregnancy.
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Taking any kind of pills or soothing agents during pregnancy is highly prohibited. You should not ingest anything without your doctor s permission. If the discomfort caused by acid reflux and heartburn leads to pain, visit your physician immediately and seek appropriate treatment. You may be advised to change your lifestyle and eating habits to better bodily functions. Be aware of symptoms such as coughing, weight loss, and black stools. These are signs that need immediate doctor s attention.
Severe acid reflux can damage the esophagus.
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If left untreated, severe acid reflux can be quite damaging to the esophagus and may also hinder the baby s growth cycle. On meeting with your physician, he/she will ask you several questions such as what are your usual eating habits, whether you experienced acid reflux before pregnancy and if the symptoms affecting your daily activities help manage the condition. Do follow doctor s advice diligently to treat the condition the right way, achieve best results and avoid long-term damage.
Acid reflux experienced during pregnancy is worst at night while lying down.
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Although acid reflux can be experienced at any time during the day, it is generally worst at night. This happens because pregnancy hormones relax the muscles responsible for keeping the acid out of esophagus causing a burning sensation. Avoid eating spicy or greasy food that triggers the acid reflux problem. Also, use around two to three pillows to keep your head elevated to about six inches.