MBBS, M.D Psychiatry , Diploma In Psychological Medicine
Sexologist, Navi Mumbai
19 years experience
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Smegma accumulation should be avoided.
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Smegma refers to the combination of body fluids, dead skin cells and bacteria found in the foreskin of the penis in uncircumcised men. It may result in unpleasant odor and may also cause infections, and should be thoroughly cleaned (preferably with lukewarm water) before engaging in sex of any kind.
Which of the following infections are you likely to contract if you do not clean your vagina regularly?
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It is imperative that you wash your anus and outer genital regions after sex. This will prevent the transfer of bacteria and other infectioncausing germs from the anus to the vaginal region. It also prevents bad odor and most importantly yeast infections. Sponging of wet vaginas is essential, as a moist vagina is a quintessential breeding ground for yeast.
Pubic hair does not need to be trimmed.
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Controlling growth of pubic hair is essential for both women as well as men, as it can not only be itchy, it can also bring with it a plethora of complications. The trapped sweat and heat make the pubic area a perfect place for bacterial growth, thus exponentially increasing the risk of infection. Trimmed hair works great in this regard; not only for your partner but also for your own health.
Improper sexual hygiene can lead to which of the following?
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Oral sex, if carried out with improper sexual hygiene, exponentially increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes, hepatitis, gonorrhea, HIV, HPV, etc. This happens due to the transmission of infectioncausing germs through genitaloral contact. A shower is recommended in this regard, to remove all excess sweat, dirt and bacteria accumulating on the body.
Menstruating women are more prone to infections during sex.
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Research has shown that menstruating women are most prone to infections during sex if proper menstrual hygiene is not maintained. This is due to the fact that during menstruation, the cervix is blocked by mucus, thus increasing chances of the passage of harmful infectioncausing bacteria into the pelvic cavity and uterus. In this regard, it is essential to keep the vagina clean and changing sanitary napkins or tampons at the requisite times.