Which of the following is a possible cause for premature ejaculation?
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Stress is an essential cause for PE and occasional impotence, especially those who also suffer from anxiety issues. Though sensitivity of genitals may also contribute to this, research suggests it is not as important a reason. PE may occur due to a multitude of reasons, including psychological, hormonal, physical and neurological problems.
Masturbation before intercourse helps you last longer.
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Masturbating immediately before engaging in sexual intercourse is a technique often used for patients suffering from premature ejaculation. Even if you are not suffering from PE, masturbating before sex might be a good idea for you if you want to last longer. This is because ejaculation desensitizes your penis, thus delaying ejaculation during intercourse.
Alcohol and drugs such as marijuana help delay ejaculation.
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Curing premature ejaculation problems with the use of alcohol and other recreational drugs such as marijuana or cocaine is a very bad idea, as, though it can help with PE in the short run, it is detrimental in its effects in the long run. This is because of the high number of undesirable side effects that they carry, along with allowing the onset of a number of psychological problems.
Premature ejaculation affects fertility.
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There is no real link between premature ejaculation and fertility, as such. If you are suffering from PE, it is likely that you can still produce healthy sperms, and given that they are ejaculating fine during intercourse, there isn't much cause for worry. PE is chiefly a psychological disorder and needs to be treated as such.
Which of the following foods increase the risk of premature ejaculation?
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Though diet does affect the quality of the semen ejaculated, there is hardly any suggestion to back the statement that certain foods cause premature ejaculation. Usually, the kind of food you eat does not affect your ejaculation in any significant way.