MBBS, Institute Of Complementary Medicines, Pune, Fellowship in Sexology and Psychosexual Medicine, Grants medical College and Sir J J Hospital Mumbai
Sexologist, Bangalore
19 years experience
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Dairy products improve sex drive.
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Dairy products, on the contrary, are famously known to be libido killers, as the lactic acid that they contain in high quantities actually has a reversed effect on your sex drive, often destroying it completely. However, the good thing that it does contain is calcium, which is great for both cell and sexual health. It is advisable that you look at other calcium-rich sources such as broccoli or leafy greens before getting into bed.
Which of the following has been known to prevent sexual dysfunction in males?
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Cloves, considered as a 'superfood' when it comes to sexual functioning, have been used for centuries in India to treat sexual dysfunction in males. They not only improve sexual activity but can also be used for getting rid of bad breath. Coupled with a little cinnamon and cumin, it also works as a fantastic aphrodisiac.
Black raspberries boost libido.
3 of 5
When it comes to black raspberries, both the seeds and the berries work very well in improving mood and keeping the bedroom blues away. This fruit is rich in photochemical, which leads to the enhancement of both sexual performance and libido. Having around 10 berries a day should work great in this regard.
Why are oysters considered to be aphrodisiacs?
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Oysters improve dopamine levels in both men and women, leading to improved libido and better sexual function. It is also rich in zinc, which is quintessential for the production of testosterone and healthy sperms in males. However, you need to make sure that the oysters you are having do not have any absorbed toxins or parasites in them, as that can have a reversed effect on your libido.
Watermelon works as natural Viagra.
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Research has shown that watermelon indeed does have similar effects on the body as Viagra. This is because watermelons contain an amino acid called Citrulline which is not only great for maintaining cardiovascular health, but also for relaxing blood vessels, which in turn, increases sex drive.