There is no proof which shows that people who watch more porn always have better sex. On the contrary, excessive masturbation while watching pornography may reduce libido and lead to underperformance during sexual intercourse.
Anal sex is more satisfying
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Not all people enjoy sex in the same way. Some might derive more satisfaction from anal sex while some others may derive none at all. Sex is very subjective and satisfaction comes in different ways to different people.
Which of the following can lead to sexual aversion?
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Sexual aversion disorder is a psychological condition that falls under the category of psychosexual disorders. It manifests itself as an active evasion of engaging in genital contact with a sexual partner.
Which of the following can help you ensure having greater orgasms?
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The more time you spend on building up arousal, the more explosive your orgasm will be. The best way to work this is to come close to orgasm and then delay the gratification. Doing this a few times before climaxing will make you orgasm better.
Doing kegel exercises will improve your sex life
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Exercising your orgasm muscles, also known as the pelvic floor, can help you have better sex. This useful tip is good for both men and women. So if you want to have hotter sex, kegel away!