Shilajit capsules, an Ayurvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction can also increase the size of the penis.
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According to Ayurveda, it is possible to increase the size of the penis with herbal supplements or dietary supplements, but not with shilajit. It can help provide nourishment to the penis just like any other part of the body like hand or feet, but it cannot increase the size or girth of the penis. Massaging with certain natural oils like olive oil and rosemary oil can strengthen an erection by working on the muscles present in the penis.
What is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction?
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Problems in the relationship with the partner can definitely have an effect on the arousal ability of a man. Contrary to popular belief, men cannot have sex every time. When they are not in the mood for it, it becomes difficult to get aroused in spite of how attracted he is to his partner. Other than that, tiredness and stress from work can also have a great impact on the health of a man and hinder sex life.
Using herbal medicines is sufficient to cure erectile dysfunction and consulting a doctor is not even required.
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You may come across several herbal treatments that are often widely advertised on TV or newspapers. Some might think that using that alone can cure erectile dysfunction and the shame of accepting your problem to another individual will be avoided. This is not recommended as the ingredients of most medicines are not fully defined and a trained ayurvedic doctor can correctly guide you to the right treatment. A doctor who is an expert in Ayurveda and has wide knowledge in the same will be able to recommend the right treatment.
What food item must you avoid in order to prevent erectile dysfunction?
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Processed meat contains high levels of sodium. Sodium is known to have effects on the blood pressure and can lead to certain cardiovascular ailments later in life. These cardiovascular problems can decrease the blood flow to certain organs of the body. Thus, it can cause erectile dysfunction.
Wearing tight underwear is responsible for causing erectile dysfunction.
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Testicles hang outside the body as sperm production requires a temperature that is lower than body temperature. Wearing tight underwear brings the testicles closer to the body and is associated with a reduction in sperm count. This happens because sperm production is affected by increased temperature. Thus, it is advised to wear pants in which your crotch is not too tight.