Deep thrust pain during sex is not an indicator of something serious
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When you are suffering from deep thrust pain during sex, your doctor will check if there are pelvic adhesions where the tissues have become clumped against each other. This causes immense pain and needs to be operated surgically. Also, it needs to be checked whether you are suffering from ovarian cysts or endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease or retroversion of uterus. It is clear that when you are suffering from deep thrust pain during sex, you need to consult an expert rather than living with it.
Which of these can be used for treating pain caused by thinning of vaginal walls?
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Treating painful sex becomes easy when its cause is identified. The most common cause of pain during intercourse is thinning of vaginal walls or atrophy. This is particularly seen among postmenopausal women who are not under any hormone replacement medicines. This type of medicines is effective in treating circulation of blood, lubrication, and elasticity. Many experts suggest applying estrogen creams directly into the affected area so that the sensitivity is reduced resulting in painless intercourse. If you had been suffering for long, it s time to act rather than ignoring it.
There are many home remedies available for treating pain during sex
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It s true that there are many home remedies available for treating pain during sex but for that, you will have to know what s causing this discomfort. For instance, applying lubricating gels to the labia and vulva along with the vagina can help a woman ease the pain during intercourse. Vibrators and sex toys can also be helpful. If you are planning to use a vaginal dilator, you should first consult with an expert to know if it is suitable for you.
Which of these are the associated symptoms of pain during intercourse?
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Urethritis is yet another condition in which the vaginal walls are affected resulting in painful sex. It leads to various symptoms such as the urge to urinate more often, pain and difficulty along with mild to severe inflammation of urethra which is a tube through which urine is expelled out of the body. Dilation of the urethra with a particular instrument can help in healing the condition.
Sometimes pain during sex is caused by inadequate lubrication
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Pain during sex is often caused by inadequate lubrication. Fortunately, it can be easily treated when the cause is known since there are numerous treatment options available. Some experts suggest using water-based lubrication which can be used safely with condoms. If lack of arousal is a common issue, then you should indulge in more extensive foreplay rather than jumping into the action all of a sudden. If the problem persists, it is better to seek medical assistance.