Which of these habits are detrimental for the eyes?
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In the past decade, there is a remarkable surge in the number of people wearing prescription lenses and glasses. This can be attributed to the rise in the use of computer both in office and home and watching television and overuse of smartphones. But the condition can be inhibited if not reversed by making few simple lifestyle alterations. The eyes need regular exercises to function optimally just like any other muscle in the human body.
Which of these easy steps can help in healing the conditions of eyes?
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Palming is the best exercise to relieve the stress around the eyes and relaxing while taking a break from the world of computer or smartphone screens. Take a few breaths to make yourself relaxed and comfortable and lean forward on a desk. As your elbows are resting on your knees, allow the cup of the palm to cover the eyes in such a way so that you can blink freely. Even though it may sound simple and trivial, it can make a huge difference in the busy hour of work.
Zooming can aid in the improvement of focusing skills.
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This is yet another comfortable and quick exercise that can keep your eyes healthy. Sit in a comfortable position with the arms stretched out while keeping your eyes fixed on the thumb. Now bring the thumb gradually closer to you and stretch it once again as soon as it comes about 3 inches closer to the face. Repeat it as many times as you can, and you will definitely enjoy doing it. Zooming helps in improving the focusing skills and keeps the eyes healthy in general.
Eye exercise may not be helpful in boosting the flexibility of eye muscles.
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The figure of eight exercise can help in boosting the flexibility of the eye muscles in general. It is easy and fun to do and doesn t take much time. Imagine that there is a huge figure of about 10 inches of the digit 8 before you. You try to move your eyes along the curves of this number at a slow pace. Repeat it in both the directions as many times as you can. It may seem confusing at first, but the benefits it proffers make the activity worth the try.
Blinking can be helpful to keep the eyes fresh and relaxed.
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The most obvious eye exercise is definitely blinking. Even though it is often overlooked as insignificant, they can keep the eyes feeling fresh and focus for a longer span. This is of utmost importance to those who use computers and watch television for a long time. Whenever you blink, you are likely to see darkness for a moment which aids in keeping the eyes fresh and relaxed. Since this exercise wouldn t take much time, you should try to incorporate it into the daily routine.