MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Diploma in Ophthalmology , Fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment
Ophthalmologist, Ahmedabad
38 years experience
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Pregnancy tends to affect the vision
1 of 5
Pregnancy is a time when the body of a woman undergoes a host of changes due to hormones. However, one of the most surprising effects of pregnancy is a sudden blurring of the vision. It is experienced by most women but it is generally temporary and subsides within some days.
Which among these diseases can cause eye damage?
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The eyes are the most precious organs that human beings have and ironically are always more susceptible to damage than other sense organs. What is surprising and alarming is that few diseases that are not eye ailments as such can damage the eyesight too. Few among them are thyroid and diabetes. Both these are hormonal conditions and if untreated, can be detrimental to your eyesight.
Acupuncture can improve vision
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Exercises are seldom related to improving eye vision. But several exercises have developed that assures a stark improvement in vision. One way of doing it is by massaging the acupuncture points near your eyes several times in a day. This will significantly deter damaging of the eyes.
Which among these is effective for treating vision disorders?
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Vision disorders generally necessitate a medical intervention. However many homemade remedies are available which assure to take care of vision related problems without rushing to the doctor. Daily intake of green tea and washing your eyes with rose water are proven ways that improve vision considerably.
Smoking can affect your vision
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Smoking has multiple disadvantages and it requires no introduction. However recently, a connection between smoking and eye damage has been established. It has been recently propounded that smoking can lead to the development of cataract and nerve damage.