Ophthalmologist, Navi Mumbai
22 years experience
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A bacterial infection can cause inflammation but not eye discharge
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Blepharitis is a bacterial infection of the eye in which the eyelids swell. But with the inflammation, there is also a formation of white discharge. There will be an accumulation of flaky substances on the eyelids and eyelashes too. Various factors lead to blepharitis some of which include abnormalities in the oil glands located near the eyelashes, staphylococci bacteria, and even seborrheic dermatitis. Several eye drops are available which give relief from blepharitis. You can take them on consulting with your doctor.
What is eye discharge?
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Many people are not aware of the eye discharge that accumulates in the corner of the eye. The discharge is also known by the term rheum. It has a protective function as it flushes out all the unwanted materials from the eye. The discharge is mostly yellowish in color. The form of the discharge keeps varying, and it depends on how much of the liquid has already evaporated. Depending on that, the discharge may be either sticky or dry. If you face any abnormal discharge, don t ignore it as it may indicate that you have an eye infection.
A stye is also one of the reasons for eye discharge
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Many people are unaware of a stye which is nothing but a condition in which the meibomian gland gets clogged, and it happens when there is an infection in the eyelash follicles. It would often have symptoms like forming a pimple like structure on the eyelid and lots of discharge. Don t try to pick a pimple or squeeze the pus from it.
Normal eye discharge that happens everyday results from which of the following?
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The discharge that forms every day in the corner of the eye when you wake up in the morning is not a result of any infection or allergic reaction. The reason is something different. When the immune system in your body fails to recognize the accumulated protein and oils over your lens, it directs an action against them which leads to the formation of discharge thus eliminating those substances from the eye. Abnormal discharges won t just happen in the morning, they would occur throughout the day accompanied by many other symptoms. So be careful to notice them.
Conjunctivitis can also lead to the formation of eye discharge
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Conjunctivitis or pink eye is also one of the many reasons that result in the formation of eye discharge. It can be a result of a virus infection or merely an allergic reaction. To combat these, the body s defense mechanisms produce inflammation and eye discharge. Visit your doctor at once when you see the corner of your eye is turning red.