Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), M.D.(Ayu)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Jajpur
10 years experience
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You should eat like a bird to improve the health of your hair.
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Eating like a bird doesn t refer to quantity, but the ingredients, such as nuts and seeds, which are highly beneficial for your hair. If hair problems are caused by Vata dosha , then including them in your diet will give your body the required dose of healthy fats and help in balancing the doshas.
According to Ayurveda, which of the following is worst for your hair?
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Ayurveda, often stresses on the fact that one should consume fresh foods, so that the body can consume the maximum number of nutrients. Eating leftover food is an absolute No . According to Ayurveda, eating leftover food results in the accumulation of ama or toxins in the body, which can clog pores of the skin and can also cause damage to hair follicles and roots.
Your bowel movement can affect the health of your hair significantly.
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According to Ayurveda, hair and nails have similar composition, which are affected by problems way beneath the surface. Constipation or any other bowel problem is a sign of digestive or gastrointestinal problems. This can severely upset the ideal dosha combination within the body and can cause specific problems within vata , pitta or kapha doshas. Thus, Ayurveda always insists on treating the internal problems of the body, such as bowel movement first, in order to maintain healthy hair.
Which of the following is the best Ayurvedic solution for an itchy scalp?
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The key to healthy and beautiful hair is to ensure that your scalp get the required nutrition. An itchy or dry scalp is a telltale sign that something is wrong with it. Guava bark and leaves is one of the best remedies for this problem. All you need to do is, take a few leaves and bark of the guava tree and boil it in water for some time. Now, strain this mixture and apply the residual liquid on your scalp. Not only will it help in improving the health of your scalp, but also gives your hair the much needed lusture.
Yoga cannot help improve your hair health, neither can treat hair problems.
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Yoga is not only a holistic form of exercise, but also a corrective methodology of treating various problems associated with your body. Yoga helps in normalizing the system within the body and hair are no different. Different yoga asana performed not only impact different areas of the body, but also releases stress, which today is a major factor of hair loss.