Which of these causes are mainly responsible for hair loss?
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In the majority of cases, hair fall is a problem that is inherited from parents. Other than running in the family history, hair fall can be a result of diseases like thyroid, therapies like chemotherapy, aging, poor diet as well as bad lifestyle habits, and excessive stress. In children, scalp infection is common for hair loss. Pulling your hair too tightly or wearing ponytails and braids that are too tight, also may cause hair fall. To better understand whether it s your lifestyle that s causing the hair issues, visit your dermatologist.
How much hair fall is too much and is a cause for concern?
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Remember, some amount of hair loss is natural and is nothing to be concerned about. Everyone loses some amount of hair daily. But when this amount becomes relatively high, more than 100 hairs a day, it is considered to be an issue to be dealt with. In case you witness excessive hair loss and unaware of what s causing it, immediately consult with your dermatologist.
Apart from hair loss, damaged hair, grey hair, frizzy hair, dandruff and split ends are the most common hair problems.
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Among the typical hair related problems, dandruff, dry and damaged hair, split-ends and gray hair are the most complained about. While with aging hairs naturally starts turning gray, when it starts appearing at a young age, it can be bothersome. Similarly, poor lifestyle, dirty hair or exposure to sunlight also create hair issues like dandruff, frizzes, and poor hair-quality which can be frustrating. To prevent your hair from getting more damaged, be sure to opt for the necessary treatment.
The symptoms of hair loss are same for everyone.
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Symptoms of hair loss vary depending on the type of hair loss one is experiencing. While in hair thinning which occurs slowly and gradually over time, noticing hair fall becomes difficult, in cases of focal hair loss and hair shedding, the symptoms become evident as clumps of hair start falling out. In cases of inherited hair loss, developing bald spots is very common. Hair being a crucial part of that defines the entire outlook, take due care in this regard.
It is possible to treat hair fall and other hair issues unless until they are the result of some incurable disease.
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Depending on the cause of hair loss and other hair issues, there are various treatments available now. Along with medications, there are hair transplant surgeries that one can go for especially in cases where a natural hair regrowth is no longer possible. It's strongly suggested to talk with your dermatologist before trying any remedies or meds to stop hair fall on your own.