Petroleum jelly forms an integral part of your hair color kit
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Wondering how? Well, petroleum jelly is not exactly required to color your hair, but it is highly recommended to get the job done efficiently. After all, you won t appreciate the color to stain your scalp or your forehead (along the hairline). Therefore, to save yourself such embarrassment, it s recommended that you rub those areas with the jelly or any other thick lotion immediately.
After applying hair color, when should you shampoo your hair?
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Hair stylists always recommend that you shampoo your hair after 4 days of applying color. This will benefit you as it buys some time for the color to set on the hair strands. However don t wait any longer as you may end up damaging your hair.
Hair color becomes more prominent when applied on dirty hair
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Sounds weird? Well, that s true! Unwashed hair retains more color than freshly shampooed hair. Hair, when unwashed, allows the scalp to retain the natural oils which further help in preventing irritation. Also, it ensures better color distribution among the hair strands. Thus, skip the shampoo the day before you color your hair; it will help you to restore your new look for a longer period of time.
Want to retain your hair color? Shampoo your hair with water that is:
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Want to slow down the fading process? Shampoo your hair with cold water. Cold water helps retain the color by keeping the cuticles intact, as a result of which, the dye doesn t strip off. Though it certainly doesn t assure you that your hair color will stay on forever, it does slow down the fading process to a great extent.
Hot oil treatments are good for colored hair
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Hot oil treatments add shine to your colored hair. However, make sure your hair is clean and towel dried before you go for the hot oil massage. Once it is over, wrap a hot towel around your head or blow dry your hair. You can even sit under the sun for some time. This will allow the hair to extract and absorb optimal nutrients from the oil. Wait till your hair cools down to room/normal temperature and then rinse it off with cold water.