MD - Ayurveda, BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bangalore
16 years experience
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In which of these ways does Panchkarma prove to be beneficial to the hair?
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Panchkarma is one of the two main treatment types of Ayurvedic treatments which particularly focuses on the purification of the body from the inside. The five procedures that panchakarma involves, not only free the body from the harmful toxins which often cause excessive hair shedding, but also promotes blood circulation on the scalp. This, in turn, encourages the hair follicles to absorb the nutrients better, making the hair lustrous and healthy. Before opting for Panchakarma treatment for your hair, talk to an Ayurveda professional first.
What are the hair benefits that panchakarma has to offer?
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While on the one hand, Panchkarma prevents the hair follicles from clogging and helps them absorb the necessary nutrients from the oil massages. the absorption of nutrients prevents premature baldness, developing grey hairs and other hair issues and promotes healthy and natural hair growth even on the bald patches. The hot oil massages that panchakarma involves may vary from person to person, depending on their scalp and hair condition and needs.
Shirodhara is one among the ayurvedic therapies.
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Shirodhara in one of the ayurvedic therapies involves pouring a continuous yet gentle stream of medicated Ayurvedic oil (warm) or other herbal liquids on the forehead or the scalp. Lasting for about half-an-hour or more, a session of Shirodhara helps in revitalizing the dull hair by soothing, nourishing and pacifying the dead hair follicles. It takes an Ayurveda professional, to let your hair have the maximum benefits out of the performance of Shirodhara.
Panchakarma can not help in treating hair loss caused due to depression and use of certain medications.
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Hair loss, one of the most depressing hair issues, can occur due to various causes such as heart problems, intake of birth control pills or other medications, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety, sleeplessness, etc. And panchakarma in Ayurveda is considered to be the most effective, side-effect free and safe treatment solution in this regard. Follow the instructions of your doctor to reap the benefits.
The right type of panchakarma treatment for hair is chosen based on the age, hair condition, the strength of the underlying disease if there are any and other factors.
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Five types of Panchakarma treatments are available in Ayurveda. Choosing the right one depends on a number of factors such as the presence of any underlying disease and its strength, the body type, the age and strength of the patient. Your Ayurvedic doctor would be able to determine the appropriate type of panchakarma treatment for regaining the lost luster and health of your hair.