Anti Aging Medicine, Diploma in Dermatology, Training Certificate in Hair Transplant, Training Certificate in Hair Transplant
Trichologist, Mumbai
11 years experience
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Oiling your scalp promotes hair growth
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Massaging your scalp with essential oils rich in vitamins can help you regain the hair you lose while using styling products such as curling tongs, straighteners and hair sprays. This is because oil is a replenishing agent and regular massaging can help strengthen the roots, encourage hair growth.
Regular oiling can help prevent dandruff
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Dandruff is caused by dry scalp, which happens when your scalp is stripped away of its natural oils due to harsh chemicals used in shampoos and other styling products. Massaging your scalp with oil can stimulate the oil secreting glands, thereby preventing dandruff.
Which of these factors should you keep in mind before choosing your hair oil?
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Each of these factors need to be kept in mind as the hair oil used varies according to these factors. Avocado oil works best for thin hair, while tea tree oil is suitable for a dry scalp. Similarly, argan oil is your best bet for dry hair.
How long should you keep your hair oiled?
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Leaving oil in your hair overnight can help your hair in absorbing the maximum nutrition. The only thing you have to do is cover your hair before you sleep as that can help prevent a pimple outbreak on your face.
Oiling prevents bacterial infection
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Regularly oiling your hair with a few drops of honey mixed in oil can prevent bacterial and fungal infections from developing on your scalp. What's more, it can also relax your mind and body.