Massaging oil leads to fungal or bacterial infections.
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The clogging of the pores on the scalp can have a number of negative effects on your health, especially when it is contaminated by fungi or bacteria. These facilitate growth of lice as well as dandruff on the hair, and can be a primary cause for hair fall. Visiting a dermatologist is advised if you see some redness on the scalp. Massaging oil on the scalp can prove to be a fantastic idea in this case - as it not only keeps your hair healthy, but also keeps it properly hydrated. Hence, on the contrary, fungal and bacterial infections can be kept at bay.
Which of the following does oiling of hair promote?
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Hair growth will take place only when your hair receives adequate amount of nourishment, as hair is nothing but a strand of protein. It will require an adequate supply of vitamins and other essential nutrients in this regard. Oil massages, in this case, will act like a replenishing agent, allowing the opening up of pores and better absorption.
What kind of oiling method works the best?
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Applying lukewarm oil on hair works the best to rejuvenate the loss of minerals due to any chemical treatments. It also improves blood circulation to the head, along with soothing the nerves and capillaries of the brain.
Oiling hair softens it and reduces chances of hair fall.
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This is a major truth when it comes to the oiling of hair. Oiling neither reduces hair fall, nor leads to the softening of hair. It simply improves circulation of blood in the head. Excessive oiling may have adverse effects on hair - leading to blockage of pores and prevention of oxygen from reaching the hair follicles.
Regular oiling of hair prevents premature graying of hair.
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This is a problem that is very common in adults as well as young adults. The main cause of this is a lack of proteins and vitamins from your regular food intake. In this regard, there may be a number of reasons which are genetically defined, for example pigmentation due to melanin. Regular oiling allows you to form a kind of protection around your hair, allowing protection from the harmful UV rays of the sun, and providing the nourishment it needs.