You cannot die from diabetes but it is still one of the largest killers in the world.
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Diabetes is a deadly disorder which affects the way blood sugar is absorbed and dealt within the human body. Diabetes is something that needs to be controlled as it can cause damage to multiple systems and organs within the body. Diabetes causes the death of a lot of people around the world but you cannot die from diabetes directly. All deaths are recorded as either kidney or heart failure or even multiple-organ failure, which is a result of diabetes. Among these cardiovascular-related deaths caused by complications from diabetes rank as one of the highest in the world.
Which of the following waist measurements is the danger zone for heart disease related to diabetes?
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Obesity, which is one of the biggest killers on the planet, contributes to diabetic heart disorders by pushing up blood sugar levels within your body. Thus, most medical bodies around the world have come up with standardized measurements when your body is within the danger zone. A waist size equal to or greater than 40 in men and 35 in women is a serious red-line for them, for developing heart diseases. This is due to the obesity leading to diabetes which then damages the heart. Steps should be taken right away which can then reduce obesity and then in-turn diabetes.
People with diabetes can recover easily from heart attacks.
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In fact, people who suffer from diabetes have a significant chance of dying when compared to people who suffer heart attacks due to non-diabetes related reasons. This is because high levels of blood sugar stiffen and even damages the arterial walls through which the blood flows. It also encourages the depositing of fatty materials within the arteries thus blocking the path for normal blood flow, which could ultimately result in heart attacks. This construction is also the reason that when a diabetic suffers from a heart attack there is a much bigger chance of death instead of recovery.
What is the normal level of fasting blood glucose that you should target for?
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Getting a blood glucose test done on a regular basis is very important as this will determine whether your levels are normalizing or if they still remain dangerously elevated. If you are already a diabetic then you must absolutely ensure that your fasting glucose levels stay within 90 to 130 mg/dL. This will ensure your vital organs work properly and that your blood vessels don't get damaged as well.
Heart failure is a diabetic heart disorder where the heart suddenly stops functioning.
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Many people often confuse heart failure with cardiac arrest or when the heart stops functioning. However, this is incorrect as heart failure means that the cardiac muscle is unable to pump enough blood which is required for the normal functioning of the body. Diabetes can cause the cardiac muscle to weaken over time and this is one of the primary reasons that heart failure can occur.