Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
24 years experience
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How much weight loss is good for the heart?
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Weight loss is associated with a reduction in risk factors for the heart. Every inch or kilo lost is a step forward towards smoothening the blood pumping by the heart. It has been observed in studies that a weight loss between 5% and 10% can reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Patients who lost more than 10% of their weight experienced an even better outcome in all the aforesaid parameters. This indicates that weight loss is always good for health, and more the weight loss, the better the health of the heart.
Extreme weight loss measures may be bad for the heart.
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While weight loss is definitely good for the heart, extreme measures to lose weight may hurt the heart more than benefiting it. Extreme weight loss measures may include stringent workout regimes, extreme low-calorie diets, taking unverified weight loss products or a combination of all or some of them. These measures may induce rapid weight loss while denying the minimum nutrition to the body. The heart must adapt its function along with the requirement of the body which is changing with any change in body weight. If there is a rapid weight loss, the heart cannot adapt itself to the rapid change in functioning expected from it. This may lead to heart attacks.
Weight loss induces a reduction in which of the following risk factors for heart diseases?
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It has been observed that weight loss can induce a reduction in all the risk factors for heart diseases. This includes LDL, triglycerides as well as total cholesterol.
Weight loss benefits can linger on even if some of the weight returns.
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It is true that people may accrue weight loss benefits even if the person puts back some of his lost weight. Research on the effects of weight loss on heart conducted at Washington University School of Medicine has observed that weight loss benefits stay even if a person gains some weight after losing some.
Which of the following should increase for the benefit of the heart?
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HDL is also known as good cholesterol. The ideal level of HDL is 60 milligram/decilitre or above. This is because it aids in reducing the amount of LDL, the bad cholesterol, and therefore, prevents the formation of plaque. You should include foods which contain HDL in your diet. Food like olive oil, beans, legumes, whole grains, fatty fish, fibrous vegetables and fruits, flax, nuts, chia seeds, Avogadro, soy, red wine, etc. contain HDL.