M.Ch - Cardio Thoracic Surgery, MBBS, MS - General Surgery
Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery, Pune
27 years experience
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Which of these exercises are extremely beneficial for your heart?
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Cardio exercises including aerobics can make your heart beat faster which, in turn, can lower blood pressure levels and reduce stress and anxiety. You can walk, bicycle, jog, skate or row or even dance. Strength training can also help in toning as well as building up muscles required for improving the functions of the heart. If you are new to exercise, it is good to work with a trainer at first.
While exercising, it is best to start out slowly.
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If you are new to exercise, it is important to get the most out of your physical activity. According to the recommendation of the American Heart Association, you should begin with low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming and gradually move to strength training exercises. You should make your workouts longer as well as tougher at a gradual pace.
Which of these health problems can be alleviated by regular exercise?
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Even if you are endowed with the risk factors of heart diseases like high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or high blood sugar, these can be alleviated with the help of regular physical exercises. The effects of regular physical training are so intense that it lowers death rate among people with complications compared to the individuals with no risk factors and no physical exercise. Regular physical training can help in reducing the heart complications in people who are at risk as well as those who are not.
While exercising, you should pay attention to the changes in your body.
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It is absolutely normal to have sore muscles when you start working out. This would subside on its own within a day or two as your body gets habituated with the activity. But sometimes, you may experience sudden pain in any of the parts of your body or severe inflammation. If this happens, you must stop exercising without any delay. If the symptoms don t go away within a few minutes, it means that your body has developed a negative response to the activity and requires medical supervision. Any discomfort which is not intolerable is generally not considered detrimental for your body.
You can break up your workout session into 10 minutes session to reap the benefits.
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When it comes to regular workout, a few exercises can go a long way to improve your health. According to the reports of the American Heart Association, exercise for half an hour can improve your cardiac health while reducing the risk of heart disease. Contrary to the popular belief, it is necessary to have long and tiring workout sessions, you can break it into small sessions lasting for about 10 minutes and about three to four times in a day. It is imperative to have a proper schedule to keep yourself motivated.