Which of these types of foods are best for your heart?
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If you wish to prevent heart attacks, you must eat foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin, and minerals along with healthy fats such as Omega 3-fatty acids and fiber. The best way to ensure that you are eating a well-balanced diet is to include loads of fresh fruits and vegetables and ditch processed foods and sugary beverages at all costs. Alcohol can be detrimental to your heart health and therefore, it is best to avoid them or at least limit its consumption.
Which of these fishes are best for your heart health?
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Salmon along with other fatty fishes like mackerel and sardine can work wonders for improving your heart health. This is because they are rich in Omega 3-fatty acids which are endowed with the power of lowering the risk of irregular heart beat and building up of plaque in the interior walls of the artery while reducing the level of triglycerides in your blood. According to the recommendation of the American Heart Association, you should eat fatty fish at least twice in a week.
Oatmeal can prove to be detrimental for your heart.
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Oatmeal contains copious amounts of soluble fiber which helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. If you consume oatmeal on a day to day basis, it would act like a sponge in your digestive tract and soak up the cholesterol levels so that they are eliminated out rather than being absorbed. You can also take other substitutes such as whole grain pasta and bread to have a similar effect. You should avoid ready to eat oatmeal as they contain artificial sugar which can have adverse effects on your health.
Berries are your heart s best friend.
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Be it strawberry, blueberry, raspberry or even Indian gooseberry- all of them can lower the risk of cardiac ailments to a substantial degree. According to a study conducted in 2013, it was found that taking strawberries for a week can reduce the possibility of heart attack by about 32 percent. This is owing to the high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and anthocyanins that can reduce blood pressure while keeping the blood vessels dilated. If you find any berry with blue or red tinges, they are rich in anthocyanins and are therefore good for your heart.
If you want to keep your heart problems away, you should take a lot of dark chocolate.
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Several studies have reported that dark chocolate can prove to be beneficial for your heart. Daily consumption of dark chocolate can reduce the non-fatal heart attacks and stroke among people who are at higher risk of developing heart problems. Dark chocolates are rich in flavonoids termed as polyphenols which can help in reducing blood pressure and inflammation. While choosing dark chocolate, make sure it contains about 60 to 70 percent cocoa.