Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
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Cardiovascular issues could cause liver inflammation
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There are a number of cardiovascular issues that can cause liver inflammation. A congestive heart failure is one such cause. Blockage in the veins that take blood from the liver can also cause swellings. This is known as the Budd Chiari syndrome. Narrowing of the heart s mitral or tricuspid valves can also cause swelling of the liver. Liver swelling caused by underlying conditions such as these can be treated with medication.
Alcohol can cause swelling of the liver
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Excessive alcohol consumption is one the most common causes of liver inflammation. If left unchecked it can cause liver cirrhosis and even be fatal. Certain types of drugs can also have a similar effect. Thus, it is essential to drink in moderation if you do drink and take medication only when prescribed by a doctor. Ideally, you should not consume more than 1-2 drinks a day. Binge drinking on weekends and holidays can also cause liver inflammation and hence should be avoided.
Viral Hepatitis resulting in liver swelling is caused by which hepatitis
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One of the causes of liver swelling is viral hepatitis. This may be caused by an infection triggered by Hepatitis A, B, C, D or E. These viruses attack the liver and its functioning. Hepatitis can be acute and short-term or chronic and ongoing. Reduce your risk of Hepatitis by avoiding sexual contact with people already suffering from it.
Simple lifestyle changes that can help treat liver inflammation are
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Along with medication, lifestyle changes are also required to treat an inflamed liver. An abstinence from alcohol is primary amongst these changes. A person suffering from liver conditions should avoid alcohol and illegal drugs completely. You should also have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system. If you are overweight, also try to lose weight so as to reduce the pressure on the liver. Drink plenty of water to flush the toxins out of your system.
Avoiding caffeine can help reduce liver inflammation
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Caffeine in small amounts can keep the mind alert but in large amounts can damage the internal organs including the liver. Hence, if you have been diagnosed with swelling of the liver, you should avoid caffeine. Instead, you could drink green tea. Limit your caffeine consumption to 2 cups a day.