Ph.D - Psychology, M.Sc. - Counselling and Psychotherapy, M.A - Psychology, Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Basic Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modality for Behavioral Resolution, Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral for Couple, B.Ed- Psychology Hon.
Psychologist, Delhi
21 years experience
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How are panic attacks diagnosed?
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No specific tests are conducted for panic disorder. Your doctor will probably examine you completely to check for two or more physical symptoms. If you had more than two random panic attacks then you are likely to have a panic disorder. You should let your doctor know all the details about your panic attacks so that he can come to the best conclusion and provide you with the best solution. Regular checkups are also advised.
Psychotherapy can help in curing any type of panic attack?
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A psychotherapist might be referred to you by your doctor. Your psychotherapist may recommend a type of effective talk therapy which is known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This therapy will help you to change your unhealthy thoughts and behaviors which can bring panic attacks. This kind of therapy will take time to start showing positive results. So one must persistently follow up the therapy sessions in order to reprogram the mind.
Panic Attacks are caused by
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Panic attacks can be caused by severe stress which can include anything, like getting married, entering a new workplace, having a baby, divorce, death of a loved one or job loss. It can be triggered when the individual goes through any cause of grave concern or a sudden loss. Medical conditions and other physical causes can also be some of the reasons for panic attacks. People dealing with severe stress or any other symptoms of panic attacks must relax, and learn to calm down their minds with several home remedies like meditation.
Most common symptoms of Panic Attacks are
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Panic attacks are very common and it can happen to anyone. Most common symptoms for these attacks are fainting, accelerated heartbeat, sweating profusely, acute chest pain, choking feeling, numbness, trembling or shaking. If you see any of these symptoms in you or anybody near you, offer them water and get them to rest. You may also want to call the nearest hospital or emergency services.
Can a change in lifestyle help in preventing panic attacks?
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Lifestyle changes can help you a lot if you suffer from panic attacks. If you witness panic attacks more than two times then it is the signal that you must change your unhealthy lifestyle. Cutting back on caffeine, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption along with exercises and deep breathing must be a part of your regular routine.