Homeopathy Doctor, Sindhudurg
12 years experience
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Taking care of your gastrointestinal health can lead to a radical improvement in oral health.
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Gastrointestinal problems can often lead to poor oral health and decay of teeth. Homeopathic remedies such as Nux Vomica, which is used for gastrointestinal problems that arise from overuse of antibiotics, can drastically improve oral health.
Halitosis (colloquially called bad breath) can be cured with regular use of mouthwash.
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While a certain amount of bad breath in the morning is completely natural, chronic and persistent halitosis is often the result of an underlying problem. Daily attention to oral hygiene might not be enough to address the problem. While the problem might be as severe as Gingivitis, it can also be the result of something as simple as a dry mouth. The latter can be taken care of by administering Merc Sol in order to promote improved function of the salivary glands. Problems like Gingivitis often require homeopathic remedies such Hepar Sulph or Carbo Veg.
Foul breath is a symptom of tooth decay.
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While it is quite natural to have foul morning breath with most of the cases of foul breath being temporary, it can also be sign of tooth decay that is yet to be diagnosed. Often accompanied by pain in the tooth, it can take a while for certain tooth decay cases to be diagnosed as the visible cavity might be in a place that is hard to spot. Tooth decay can be treated with the help of homeopathic medications such as Calc Phos and Calc Flour that promote the growth of healthy and strong enamel.
Halitosis can have a number of causes at the root of it. What is the most common cause?
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While a poor diet or gastrointestinal problems can indeed cause bad breath in some cases, the number one cause of halitosis is poor dental hygiene. Even when people brush their teeth regularly and after every meal, they often underestimate how crucial it is to floss. This is often the cause of chronic bad breath. If halitosis persists after regular brushing and flossing, a dry mouth might be the cause of the problem. In this case, Merc sol or Pulsatilla can be administered to address the problem. Bad breath caused due to decaying teeth will naturally be addressed by administering Kreosote.
What kind of a diet is best for getting rid of bad breath and promoting good oral hygiene?
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While foods containing mint might mask bad breath for a short while, it is certainly not a long term remedy. The food you eat affects your oral hygiene more than you realize, and while foods like garlic and canned fish can make your breath smell for obvious reasons, the nutrients that go into your body can have a lasting effect on your oral health. Yoghurt contains good bacteria that promote gastrointestinal health, making your breath smell better. For chronic halitosis, you can even be prescribed homeopathic cures like Nux Vomica that promotes good bacteria in your stomach.