MBBS, M.D Psychiatry , Diploma In Psychological Medicine
Sexologist, Navi Mumbai
19 years experience
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Which of these options is the easiest way to treat painful sex or dyspareunia among women?
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The treatment options for female dyspareunia may vary, and it depends on the underlying cause of the pain. When a medical condition or an infection is responsible for causing the discomfort while having intercourse, your doctor will give you medications that can relieve the problem. Drugs that can reduce the lubrication problem can eliminate the symptoms of dyspareunia as well. It is advised to consult with an expert before taking medicine to get desired results.
Which of these is the prime cause of female dyspareunia among post-menopausal women?
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When it comes to women of postmenopausal age, dyspareunia is caused by lack of lubrication which typically results from lowered estrogen levels. This problem can be easily treated with the help of topical estrogen which can be applied directly to the vagina of the affected women. The Food and Drug Administration has recently approved the drug Osphena for treating moderate to severe form of the disease. Before you take any drugs to treat painful sex, it is advised to consider the side effects as well.
Counseling and sex therapy can help in reducing female dyspareunia to a considerable extent.
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In case sexual intercourse is painful for a long span of time, the affected individual may experience a negative emotion to sexual stimulus even after taking medications. When you and your partner have refrained from sexual intimacy for a long span of time due to pain during intercourse, you can talk to an expert who can help in overcoming the communication gap for restoring sexual intimacy. With the right approach this problem can be mitigated effectively with professional help.
Desensitization therapy is considered effective in the treatment of painful intercourse.
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In the desensitization therapy, the affected woman is taught to exercise relaxation techniques which can reduce the pain to a great extent. The therapist may also recommend various Kegel or pelvic floor exercises along with other workouts for decreasing the pain during intercourse. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful in altering the negative thoughts and behaviors and improving the situation in this regard.
A few changes in the sexual routine can aid in reducing the pain and discomfort during intercourse.
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You and your partner can help each other in minimizing pain and discomfort while having sex by adopting some simple measures. For instance, changing positions can reduce the stress and ache in the pelvic floor. Also, you should be able to communicate and take your time to find out what feels comfortable. You may also use lubricants that can help in making sex comfortable for both you and your partner. Try to choose a position where you can have control on the amount of penetration that feels pleasurable for you.