Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine, Certified Course In Herbal(Ayurvedic) Medicine
Sexologist, Ludhiana
41 years experience
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Good sexual health in women can prevent and treat arthritis
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The female orgasm is a wonderfully complex phenomenon that is known to rid the body of all sorts of aches and pains. This includes arthritis, both chronic and acute. This happens as good sexual health prompts the release of oxytocin during orgasm, which aids in pain management.
Sexual health automatically improves once you've found your G-spot
2 of 5
The G-spot is a highly controversial issue concerning the female genital parts and sexual health in women. While some argue that locating it vastly improves your sex life and consequently, your sexual health, there is no scientific evidence to show that it actually exists.
Which of the following hampers the improvement of female sexual health?
3 of 5
Most healthcare experts advise against douching too much, or even at all. It is known to damage the soft and sensitive tissues that compose a woman's private parts and lead to the deterioration of sexual health and well-being.
Which of the following statements about female sexual health is true?
4 of 5
This is an established fact that holds true even when considered vice-versa. Sexual health in women is closely linked to the nature of their orgasms and the frequency at which they achieve it.
Improving sexual health can just be done by taking good care of the genitals
5 of 5
The female genitals, mainly the vagina and vulva, are not the only organs associated with sexual health. The 'pelvic floor' or all the muscles holding together the organs of the pelvic area are just as significant for sexual health as the genitals.