Much like a host of other ailments, it is believed that yoga can successfully cure and treat erectile dysfunction. Yoga does it by tracing and treating the root problem that causes erectile dysfunction in the first place; stress. Yoga ensures relieving you of stress and therefore reduces chances of erectile dysfunction.
Which among these is a common cause of erectile dysfunction?
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Erectile dysfunction refers to a condition when during a sexual performance; the man is unable to maintain an erection. A lot of factors contribute to it, commonly stress, obesity, and alcohol consumption.
Which among these is the most common age when men suffer from erectile dysfunction?
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The prospect of an erectile dysfunction is dreaded and feared by both the partners. Though many believe that there is no particular age for this condition, according to doctors, in men, there exists a correlative relationship between age and the condition. Men who are approaching the age of 50 or above are considered to be more prone to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Oral medications like Viagra works effectively for all men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
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Though Viagra as an oral medication to treat erectile dysfunction has a widespread reputation, contrary to popular belief it does not work for everybody. In fact, an oral medication should be considered after cutting down smoking and alcohol, the conditions that cause erectile dysfunction in the first place but at the same time, these precautions do not validate and guarantee the effectiveness of Viagra in all men.
Any problem related to erection qualifies as erectile dysfunction.
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Any and every problem related to the erection does not qualify as an erectile dysfunction. Contrary to popular perception, a lot of other factors like a bad day or an ill-mood can be held responsible for a lack of erection. Unlike the condition, they are transient and must not be taken too seriously.