In most cases, the size of the penis does not play a very important role in a sexual functioning and prowess. In order to satisfy your partner, it is more important to have a sexual skill and technique rather than a large penis.
Psychological disorders like schizophrenia cause sexual dysfunction in men
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The state of one's mental health has a direct impact on all other systems of the body, including sexual functioning. Disorders of the mind such as schizophrenia, dementia, bipolarity and depression can lead to sexual health issues such as erectile dysfunction.
Physical exercise does not affect male sexual function
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Being fit and working out can show its benefits in the bedroom. Increased physical fitness increases stamina and enhances functioning of the cardiovascular system of the body, which helps in attaining erections that are stronger and much last longer.
How does having a smoking habit affect sexual health in men?
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Smoking leads to the loss of motility (swimming ability) of sperm, which is known to impair the ability to conceive when you and your partner are trying to get pregnant. Men who are long-term chain smokers are at a greater risk of suffering from male infertility.
Which of the following habits damages male sexual health?
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Excess indulgences will always lead to dysfunction of all sorts. If men want to stay sexually fit, they should drink in moderation, masturbate only when they need to and avoid smoking altogether.