Infants are more likely to get eczema than adults. -
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As per studies conducted, infants are three to six times likely to get eczema than adults are. Most of these children will grow out of this condition by the time they are ten years old, but some will continue to have symptoms and flare-ups well into adulthood. These symptoms can be suppressed quite simply with the use of certain forms of medication.
Which of the following most likely to be a cause of eczema?
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Even though the exact cause of eczema is not yet known, the most likely trigger is believed to be an overactive response of the immune system of the body to some sort of irritant. This is what leads to the various symptoms of eczema, as well as flare-ups from time to time. Defects in the skin barrier could also play a role in the occurrence of eczema.
When is the best time to apply topical medication for the treatment of eczema?
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There are many kinds of medicinal creams, gels and lotions which are used in the treatment of eczema. The best time to apply these on the skin is right after a shower when the skin is still damp. This will allow the skin to retain its moisture and help in easing the symptoms of eczema to a great extent.
You cannot go for a swim if you have eczema.
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Most people with eczema can go swimming without any hassle, although in some rare cases the chlorine contained in swimming pools or the saltwater of the seas has been known to trigger flare-ups of the symptoms. If you find that the water does not irritate the condition, you are free to go swimming as and when you please. All you have to do is apply generous amounts of moisturizer to your skin before taking a dip and showering thoroughly right afterwards. Once you step out of the shower, apply moisturizer one more time.
Eczema is contagious skin condition that can only be cured through surgery.
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Eczema is not a contagious condition and does not spread from one person to another. There are no surgical or non-surgical methods to cure eczema as the condition cannot be completely cured. However, various types of topical and oral medicines can help in suppressing the symptoms. Certain lifestyle changes need to be put in place as well for the treatment of eczema so that the triggers of its flare-ups can be suitably avoided.