Which of the following do cosmetic Botox injections help reduce as an unintended consequence?
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After being used as the main ingredient in cosmetic procedures, research into Botox has shed more light into its capabilities beyond skin treatment. A research has found that because Botox keeps your facial muscles relaxed, brain signals for negative emotions which may change your facial expression aren t properly manifested. Similarly, negative emotions that are manifested on your face as a reaction aren t sent back to the brain, stopping the feedback, thus helping to prevent depression.
There is only one type of Botox.
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Whenever you hear the term Botox, you may tend to think that it is only a single type of chemical used for all purposes. However, Botox is classified into two types, one being the cosmetic type, while the other being a medical type. If you are going for a cosmetic treatment, then you will get the cosmetic Botox as an injection. Medical Botox can be used to treat a variety of conditions and is completely different from the ones used as cosmetic Botox.
Botox is used as an approved form of treatment for which of the following disorders?
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Botulinum toxin has recently been discovered to have multiple medical benefits which are effective in treating a host of disorders. People who have a tendency to sweat excessively and profusely due to overactive sweat glands have reported a remarkable improvement after the administration of Botox. It is also being increasingly used to treat people who suffer from chronic migraines as well as spasms in their eyes. Another area where Botox has shown promise is in correcting crossed eyes.
The results on your skin from Botox are almost instantaneous.
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This is a common misconception among the general public and even people who are interested in getting the treatment. However, anyone who has undergone the treatment will say that the effects aren t immediate as it may take a few days for the Botox to kick into full effect. Depending on your age along with the severity and depth of your wrinkles, it may take anywhere between 3 to 7 days to start showing a noticeable effect and in certain cases, may even take upto two weeks before it comes into full effect.
Botox actually paralyzes your facial muscles to achieve that taught youthful look.
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Although this sounds more spectacular than it is, Botox or botulinum toxin paralyzes certain muscles or nerves in your face by sending signals into the nerve endings to stop them from contracting and keeping them relaxed. Acetylcholine is a protein which is responsible for the contracting of muscles. When injected locally into the face, the muscles stay relaxed constantly, thus making your skin look younger.