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Botox - Things It Can Do To You!

MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Mumbai  •  16 years experience
Botox - Things It Can Do To You!
Botox actually paralyzes your facial muscles to achieve that taught youthful look.
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Botox - Things It Can Do To You!
There is only one type of Botox.
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Botox - Things It Can Do To You!
The results on your skin from Botox are almost instantaneous.
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Botox - Things It Can Do To You!
Botox is used as an approved form of treatment for which of the following disorders?
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Botox - Things It Can Do To You!
Which of the following do cosmetic Botox injections help reduce as an unintended consequence?
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