Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MS (Ayurveda) in Surgery, PhD Surgery
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kolkata
24 years experience
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The primary principle of Ayurveda for treating pilonidal sinus is cutting and healing of the sinus tract simultaneously.
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The very idea of simultaneously cutting and healing the Pilonidal sinus works towards offering complete debridement of the unhealthy and infected tissues. This ensures complete healing by the end of the Ayurvedic procedure. Kshara sutra or the application of the poly-herbal medicated thread is the best Ayurvedic therapy for treating Pilonidal sinus. Depending on the stage and length of the Pilonidal sinus, the treatment duration may vary.
Which of these better explains what a Pilonidal sinus is?
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Pilonidal sinus is a hole in the skin that is usually filled up with pus or fluid and forms a cyst containing hair at the top area of the buttock cleft or the bottom of the tailbone. The condition mostly affects men with hairy skin, especially those who have to sit a lot for long hours. Ignoring a Pilonidal sinus is a strict no-no as it may progress and form secondary sinus
Ayurveda is not a good alternative for those whose Pilonidal sinuses keep coming back even after surgical removal.
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Patients with Pilonidal Sinuses which recur even after surgery; are effectively treated by Ksharsutra Treatment.
Which of these are the common symptoms of Pilonidal sinus?
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A small dimple-like swelling is the primary symptom of Pilonidal sinus. Once it gets infected, it turns into an abscess accompanied by redness and sore skin around the infected area. Swelling of the area, foul odour, blood or pus draining out from the abscesses and formation of more holes or secondary sinus tracts are other common symptoms of this condition. Experiencing mild fever can also be a sign of Pilonidal cyst and requires immediate attention.
Pilonidal sinus can be treated well with Ayurvedic procedures.
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Unlike modern surgical methods, Ayurveda offers a minimal invasion and more effective results in treating Pilonidal sinus. Pilonidal Sinus tends to recur after surgery. However, when treated with Ksharsutra Treatment (an Ayurvedic procedure), it heals completely and chances of recurrence are very less. The Ayurvedic treatment, being minimally invasive, causes less tissue loss, less chance of formation of the non-healing wound on the midline.