Eating lots of cheese and yogurt can make your skin break out.
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Milk and all kinds of dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are likely to trigger acne and lead to the formation of pimples on your body. This is especially true if you are lactose intolerant. It is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of dairy foods and stick to a healthy balanced diet with lots of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, proteins, whole grains and water if you want clear and glowing skin.
Which of the following is sure to give you acne and pimples?
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One of the most likely causes of acne and pimples is genetics. If your parents skin constantly breaks out at the slightest trigger, yours probably will too. The health and nature of a person s skin is, like all other things, dependant on the genes they inherited from their parents.
You will not get pimples on your face if you have a dandruff problem.
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Dandruff on the scalp can easily trigger the eruption of pimples on your face, particularly on your forehead. Those who have a dandruff problem are also likely to have an oily scalp the excess oil in the scalp can clog up the pores on the forehead which triggers acne and adds to the break out of pimples on the face. Use a good anti-dandruff shampoo meant for oily hair to keep the problem of pimple break outs at bay.
In which of the following situations are you most likely to experience a break out?
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Dissatisfaction at the workplace is usually accompanied by stress and anxiety which triggers acne and break outs. People who experience a lot of stress and anxiety are sure to have poor overall health which includes the health of skin. Stress management techniques such as meditation and yoga or any other activity that helps release built up pressure can be a good way to deal with the problem of pimples.
Touching your face or wearing a cap can lead to formation of pimples.
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Our hands often come into contact with contaminated surfaces and become covered with a thin layer of grease and dirt. Touching your face with your fingers without washing your hands first can lead to the transfer of that dirt to your face which then clogs up the pores and makes the skin break out. Caps and helmets to absorb a lot of sweat and dirt which also clogs up your pores on coming into contact with the skin and causes a breakout.