MD - Dermatology, MBBS, National Law School of India Univeristy, Bangalore
Dermatologist, Bangalore
23 years experience
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Nanoparticles can prove to be harmful to the eyes.
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The truth is that Nanoparticles are not just harmful to your eyes but your overall skin and even the environment at large. As the name says, the particles are so tiny that they can be effortlessly inhaled and may gradually accumulate in the cells and lungs. In the course of time, it damages the DNA and paves the way for cancer. No matter whether you use eye make-up which is organic or chemical-based, you should watch out for Nanoparticles as they may accumulate in your lungs.
Which of these are commonly found in chemical-based eye makeup?
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Almost all chemical-based eye makeup contain these harmful chemicals. If your eye makeup, say eye shadows contains thimerosal along with aluminium it will kill the ability of the body naturally to get rid of mercury if it is absorbed into the blood through the pores present in the eyelid. Bismuth oxychloride that may clog the minute pores in the eyelid will cause itchiness. Switch to organic eye makeup that s not made from any ingredient which may harm your eyes.
Paraben is a safe ingredient for your eyes.
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All kinds of paraben including propylparaben, methylparaben and butylparaben are found in most popular eye makeup brands. But parabens float through the eyes and mess up with the natural balance of hormones. Though it is not proven, parabens are considered as carcinogens for humans. Though it is unsafe, it is widely used as preservatives in most of the skin products. If your eye makeup causes itching and discomfort in your eyes, then wash away with no further delay. Also, consult with an eye specialist to steer clear of any long drawn eye problems.
Which of the following ingredients found in eye makeup can cause cancer?
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Coal tar has been long proven to be a carcinogen which may cause cancer of the lungs, kidney, bladder and even the digestive tract. There are many pieces of research which show that application and exposure to coal tar can produce tumours in the skin. It is also banned in the European countries but is used in North America and India. When you go for buying eye makeup, check the small prints of ingredients to ensure that the list doesn t contain coal tar.
Oxides of iron and zinc are considered safe ingredients for eyes.
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Iron oxide gives colour to the eye makeup and has been proven to be safe for cosmetic use. Zinc oxide is often found in eye makeup and sunscreen, and they do not cause any harm to your eyes. Even if you use eye products that are entirely natural and organic, they may contain traces of mica which is again a safe ingredient for your eyes. Even though your eye makeup may contain these chemicals, you should ensure that they are not in their Nano forms.