MBBS, DDVL, Fellowship In Medical Cosmetology & Aesthetics
Dermatologist, Bangalore
21 years experience
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How should you care for your skin when you have diabetes?
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When you are bathing or taking a shower, you should use warm water and a mild cleanser without any harsh chemicals that may dry out the skin. It is advised to opt for soap that contains moisture. After bathing, you should rinse and dry yourself properly without rubbing. You should take extra care to places where water can accumulate such as in between legs, under the breasts, under the arms and between the toes and feet.
You should not treat cuts immediately to avoid infections.
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When you have cuts on the skin, you should immediately wash it with soap and water. Make sure you don t use iodine, antiseptics or alcohol for cleaning cuts since they can be harsh for your skin. You must drink a lot of water to keep the skin healthy and moist. Besides, a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher will keep your skin protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Talk to your doctor to recommend an antibiotic cream that you can keep handy for use after nicks and cuts.
Which of these is the most useful measure to care for your skin if you have diabetes?
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If you have diabetes, there are certain crucial ways in which you should take care of your skin to prevent issues. You should follow the advice of your primary healthcare provider regarding exercise, nutrition, and medication. You should strive to keep the blood glucose level under control in order to keep all the problems at bay. You should take the time out to check whether you have any dry or red spots which can become infected.
When you have diabetes, it is recommended to avoid bubble baths.
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People with high blood sugar should avoid bubble baths since it contains detergents which can dry out the skin. When your skin is dried, you will be tempted to scratch the skin which can have long-term damaging effects. Whenever your skin itches, you should apply moisturizer instead of scratching. Not just bubble baths, you should also stay away from hot showers to protect the skin when you have diabetes.
With high blood sugar, you should limit the use of skin care products in your skin.
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You should keep the skin moist by using creams or lotions that are particularly suitable for your skin type. You can keep a bottle of moisturizer near the sink so that you can make it a habit of applying it on the hands after washing. Make sure that the moisturizer is free from dye and fragrance. But most importantly, you should stick to one or two products to restrict the chance of infection and other unwanted reactions. You should apply lip balm to chapped and dry lips.